HTML In the dynamic realm of web development, HTML stands as the bedrock upon which the digital world is built. Abbreviated from "HyperText Markup Language," HTML is the cornerstone technology for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. Since its inception in the early 1993 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee HTML has undergone several iterations, with the latest version, HTML5, revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with web content. Evolution of HTML Hypertext MarkUp language HTML began as a simple markup language with rudimentary tags for formatting text and linking documents. Over time, it evolved to accommodate the growing complexity of web pages and the increasing demand for interactive content. HTML4, released in 1997, introduced features like tables, forms, and frames, laying the groundwork for more dynamic web experiences. With the emergence of Web 2.0 and the rise of multimedia-rich applications, HTML5 emerged as a game-changer. Released in 2014, HT...